Wednesday 14 April 2010

Enjoyed some time off work over Easter. Went to the Ideal Home Exhibition with Simon. Haven't been for a few years and really enjoyed the day. Spent atleast 2 days doing my assignment for work - half completed now, but it will have to go on hold for a week or so due to other priorities. Had family round on Easter Sunday after church. Have been given far too much chocolate (shame!) most of which has been consumed now. Easter Monday was spent planting the strawberry plants I have been given and buying and planting some lovely colourful primulas. The rest of the day I spent relaxing. No washing/ironing or housework done - lovely day!
Spent last weekend starting my final C.C.S. project. Decided to interpret my thoughts and feelings about the meaning of the Crucifixion by designing a quilted hanging instead of trying to write another essay. What a great excuse to do some textile art including fabric painting, machine embroidery, applique, beading etc. I have made a start and I am rather pleased with it so far. Need to spend this weekend completing it, because it's due to be handed in next Monday.
Housework has not been a problem lately - just haven't done any! Internet Sainsbury's shopping has been hassle free. Simon has been really supportive doing cooking, ironing and bringing cups of tea. He has made me promise not to do any more courses in or out of work for a long long while.